Jacob and Kacie

Created by Jeanette one year ago

Morning Mum, another little update for you, so you know what we are all up to 😊 

Jacob and his girlfriend Kacie and their two woofers have just moved into their new home in Knoll Crescent no.27.

It’s perfect for them Mum. Dad seems really happy about it and has given them some of your curtains to use until they can get what they want. I can just imagine you telling everyone that your Grandson is living round the corner, you would have been so proud and would be keeping an eye on them, making sure they were keeping the garden tidy 😂😂

It has a rainbow door number and as silly as it sounds i just know this was a sign from you to say ‘this is the one’

I’ll ask Peter to take a photo of them stood outside to post on your memories. You would like that and I’ll send it to Auntie Marie as well.
Talk again soon Mum, love you xxxx