6th March 2023

Hello Mum, tomorrow I will be lighting another candle in your memory, like I’ve done every month since you gained your wings. Tomorrows candle is always a hard one to light. How can you have been gone 3 years. 3 years without hearing your voice, hearing you say ‘lovey’. I don’t want to light a candle in your memory Mum I want you here making memories with us all. You should be here enjoying your great grandchildren, you should have an invite to Jordan’s wedding but you can’t and it hurts Mum. It hurts so much. I’m sorry this is such a negative post but it’s exhausting putting on a brave face to the world. People say they understand but I’m sure most of them don’t. How could they, they never had a Mum that was so special and so loved that to lose you was just devastating. Until we meet again Mum, we will carry on remembering you in all that we do and all that we say. Love you Mum we all do xxxx